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Raleigh Family Photographer | The Humphrey Family

Wake Forest in the Fall is pure magic. Between the lighting and the autumn scenery, it makes my job - photographing families - truly the best gig around. I got to shoot a Fall session with one of the sweetest families, The Humphreys. Kathy has become one of my closest friends since moving here (she does amazing work, by the way, over at the Yellow Heart Company – check her out – she’s a marketing lady boss!). The Fall weather didn’t disappoint for their shoot at Horseshoe Farm Park in Raleigh. It was a cold, windy day, but the sun was shining and the light was perfection.

Photo shoots with little ones can be a challenge and especially frustrating for parents. Towards the end of the Humphrey’s photo shoot, I couldn’t blame their one-year old daughter for being fed up with the cold. She hung in there as long as she could, but eventually she just melted down. I reassured her parents that we would still be able to get the shots we needed and told them to be patient and just relax. I helped the little one between takes, wrapping her in blankets and feeding her snacks, providing distractions. Magic happens there, when you think all is lost but take the time to let it happen naturally. I find that once people let go of expectations and stop trying to control the shoot or make kids participate, you can really capture their true essence and beauty.

So, for all you parents out there with young kids, trust me when I say this, let your photographer deal with your little ones. Be prepared with all your normal tricks (snacks, toys, etc.) but in the end, leave the responsibility to your photographer. In my experience, they respond much better to your photographer in those circumstances anyway. Set your intention to let go of control and just have fun during your session – love on your family. Getting a good shot is the photographer’s job, not yours.

I absolutely loved capturing Justin and Kathy's love for their kids and for each other. It’s what portrait photography is all about for me - capturing real connections and the true essence of a family.

Enjoy the beautiful result of their session below and if you are looking for a family photographer, please reach out - I would love to work with you!



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